Stevens Institute of Technology Cognitive Sensing for Health

Stevens Institute of Technology Cognitive Sensing for Health
Click on Image Above to Link to SensoSmart Virtual Sensors Website of Stevens Institute of Technology Cognitive Sensing for Health

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Why is SensoSmart so COOL?

Can you imagine having surgery to implant an expensive device in your body or in your brain to control a prosthesis and then a few months later a new and improved version comes out on the market? The ultimate in Robot Envy. SensoSmart is about helping the Robot to become Smarter, so there is less dependence upon humans to control every aspect of the Robot. Smartness can come from unexpected places. Any user or developer can come up with a way COOL solution, even borrowing a solution from another domain, and someone else on the planet might benefit from that solution. SensoSmart is all about sharing those solutions so that Robots do not loose their value as assistant devices... so that they are capable of being smaller lither, affordable, and less invasive. SensoSmart is all about preparing for a future where Robot Assistants are capable of updating themselves with helpful new features and functionality the way we update apps on our smartphone.

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