Stevens Institute of Technology Cognitive Sensing for Health

Stevens Institute of Technology Cognitive Sensing for Health
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Opportunity for Personalized Hearing Assistants -- Big Bang Day 2014

An auspicious occasion. Colleagues gathered at the top of Crawford Hill to visit together and listen to Dr Robert Wilson talk about his 1964 experiments on the Big Bang that led to a Nobel Prize he shared with Dr Arno Penzias. Dr Wilson reminded everyone, 'Nobody got a medal for saving money. You have to do the experiment right.' Our innovations with personalized hearing assistants would have made it easier for Dr Wilson to speak to everyone who was gathered outside on that hill and for him to be heard by everyone. It would have rendered the bull horn extinct. A goal: to retire the bull horn. More information will be revealed about SensoSmart HearHere! soon. Keep posted to learn more.

Dr Robert Wilson at the 50th anniversary of the Big Bang experiment at Crawford Hill Bell Labs

Tuesday, June 17, 2014 | Whats New | Whats New

RERC on Hearing Enhancement - Dr. Ross Says... Dr. Ross on Hearing Loss Listening to Music Through Hearing Aids: The “Music” Program by Mark Ross, Ph.D. This article first appeared in Hearing Loss (May/Jun 2009)

RERC on Hearing Enhancement - Dr. Ross Says...

RERC on Hearing Enhancement - Dr. Ross Says...Dr. Ross on Hearing Loss Environmentally Adaptive Hearing Aids by Mark Ross, Ph.D. This article first appeared in Hearing Loss (May/Jun 2009)

RERC on Hearing Enhancement - Dr. Ross Says...

Display of audiograms of three of our friends provides great insight into hearing loss.

We may think that hearing aids solve all problems. But that's not precisely true. When you call the SensoSmart platform, you can now hear displays of how three of our friends hear based on measures from their audiograms, a profile of hearing at a number of pre-selected frequencies. By calling 973-339-7209, you can hear the unaltered spoken phrases and some examples of characteristic frequency hearing losses when selecting directly from the menu. In addition, when you return to the main menu by selecting option '0', you can then select option '4' to hear how one of our friends hears in the 'good' ear. Then select option '0', return to the main menu, and select '5' then repeat and select '6' to hear the two ears of another friend. Then return to the main menu and select '7' to hear the very amplified recording filtered by another friend's audiogram. Listening to the display of how our friends hear the speech around us provides great insight into the issues facing people who have hearing loss. It inspires us to improve access to technology.